
Creating a basic AKS(Kubernetes) cluster on Azure

Creating a basic AKS(Kubernetes) cluster on Azure with Terraform Creating an AKS cluster on azure is really simple and you don’t need to know anything about it, well maybe some Azure but nothing complex Installing tools 1. Azure cli This terraform code uses the cli authentication so you will need to have installed the azure cli you will need it to get some data nevertheless 2. Terraform If you still doesn’t have Terraform installed on your computer you can follow this link https://www.


Installing Openshift 4 on VMware

Installing Openshift 4 on VMware Installing Openshift 4 on Vmware is complex with many things to consider and services to configure Troubleshooting an installation is more complex and usually all those errors comes from badly configured pre-requisites So in order to make it a little easier we created a helper node with all services needed: DNS Apache serving ignition files Haproxy for the load balancer Terraform and all the tools Ova template for the nodes DHCPD for booting the VMs with temporal IPs, fixed IPs will be configured after rebooting Let’s begin Installing Ansible and requisites yum install ansible python2-pyvmomi python-requests -y ansible-galaxy install robertdebock.


Update Kubernetes with Kubeadm

Asumptions and Clarifications The main goal of this post is get hand on with kubeadm commands. This is not for production or any kind of specific process. Upgrade Master 1- Drain Node kubectl drain master –ignore-daemonsets ter $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master Ready master 55m v1.16.0 node01 Ready <none> 55m v1.16.0 master $ kubectl drain master --ignore-daemonsets node/master cordoned WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: kube-system/kube-proxy-jmwgk, kube-system/weave-net-xzrl6 evicting pod "coredns-5644d7b6d9-cjkkc" pod/coredns-5644d7b6d9-cjkkc evicted node/master evicted master $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master Ready,SchedulingDisabled master 56m v1.


Installing Kubernetes Part 1

Asumptions and Clarifications Kubernetes will be installed on Debian 10 (buster) HA must be already configured on a Load Balancer unless you use only 1 master This process is to install 1 master following parts we will be adding new masters and workers We will install docker as Runtime for the containers, is the most used until now Next tutos we will install it using others Runtimes At least port 6433 must be open to communicate from the client to the master node in order to deploy apps on the kubernetes cluster